Undip KKN Students Successfully Implement 5S: 5S Transforms Cocoon Chips Production House to be Cleaner and More Productive

SemarangUndip Team II KKN students in 2024 have successfully implemented the 5S culture in the UMKM cocoon chips production house compiled by Kristine Angelina Gultom. With 5 simple steps, namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, the production environment is now cleaner, more organized, and more efficient.

As a result, product quality has increased, the risk of contamination has decreased, and worker productivity has increased. This program proves that implementing 5S not only improves product quality but also has a positive impact on the work environment and worker welfare. Through this program, it is hoped that it can also inspire other UMKM to implement 5S and increase the competitiveness of their products.