The journey of the establishment of the Industrial Engineering Department
The National Development Policy of Indonesia has stated that industialization is the path to choose in order to achieve the main targetted aim in the economy field while also achieving national aim, which is for the people to be fair and prosper based on Pancasila.
Also, in Central Java, demands for high quality human resources appeared to be very high, in order to further develop the potential in the region. This is the reason that encourages the establishment of Industrial Engineering Department in Diponegoro University, which is the largest university in the capital city of Central Java.
The journey of the Industrial Engineering department establishment began with the formation of Tim Penyusun Usulan Pembukaan Program Studi S-1 Teknik Industri SK Dekan No. 60/PT09.H4.FT/SK/X/96 tertanggal 22 Oktober 1996, which is in charge of creation of evaluation with considering the resources that the Engineering Faculty has in particular, and the resources that the Diponegoro University has in general.
After regarded to be proper enough, the journey of the establishment continues as the permit was sent to Dirjen DIKTI in June 1997. Consultations and audiencies were done several times, often involved the Technology Consortium, regarding the characteristics of the curriculum within the Industrial Engineering in Diponegoro University and the development steps of the laboratory.
In order to prepare for the Consortium Team visit to Undip to evaluate directly the facilities and infrastructure that they have, Committe of Consortium Team Reception was formed based on Dean’s Decree No. 120/PT09.H4.FT/SK/XII/97 dated 10 Desember 1997, while the evaluation by the Technology Consortium Team was done in January 6, 1998.
Finally the Industrial Engineering Department was founded based on Directorate’s Decree of Higher Education Number 50 /DIKTI/KEP.1998 made on February 23, 1998. Because of this, the date of February 23 will later be known as the day Industrial Engineering was born (Dies Natalis).