A number of facilities within the department is provided in hopes of helping the process of achieving the vision and mission Undip Industrial Engineering Department. The facilities provided comes from the university, donation, partnership, etc. Every year there’s always an improvement in terms of facilities in order to keep up with the times. The following are the facilities provided by Industrial Engineering Department:
Industrial Engineering Department has 6 classes located within the Undip Industrial Engineering building and 2 classes located in Gedung Kuliah Bersama (GKB). Inside the classrooms are technical facilities such as AC, single seats, whiteboard, LCD Projector, lecturer’s table, and audio equipment.
RBTI (Ruang Baca Teknik Industri)
RBTI is a facility in the form of library which provides many Industrial Engineering education related information be it in the form of books, journals, or Students’ Final Assignment. Inside RBTI there are technical facilities such as computer, AC, reading desks, books, journals, Students’ Final Assignment, and bookshelves. Students often rely on RBTI as a place for them to look for Industrial Engineering for thanks to its comfortable atmosphere and its vast collection of books and journals.
The laboratory is a facility used in testing and applying the theories the students had received during the lectures in class. It is also used in enhancing students’ skills in terms of Industrial Engineering field so that they can have a decent knowledge and skills upon graduation. There are 7 labs within the Industrial Engineering Department, namely:
- Production System Lab (LSP)
- Industrial Optimization and Statistics Lab (OPSI)
- Decision Support System Lab (DSS)
- Studio Lab
- Work System Planning and Ergonomics Lab (PSKE)
- Lean Manufacturing Lab
- Multimedia Lab
Internet Connection
An internet connection from wifi is provided to support the educational activities, specifically in acquiring information through the internet. The wifi provided has been integrated with all the wifis available in Undip, so that it can connect with the internet anywhere else within Undip. The wifi connection have a speed of Mbps. It also uses the SSO system (Single Sign On) which had been integrated with Undip’s information system.
Mushola is provided in order to accommodate the needs of moslem students to pray which had been provided with sajadah, mukena, and wudhu station. The mushola is located in the first and third floor, leaving students with no worries in terms of doing prayers.
Another facility provided is toilet. It is located in every floor with each one of them maintained with very clean and good condition so that it can help education activities within the faculty.
Parking Lot
Industrial Engineering Department provides parking lot facilities for motorbikes and cars. The parking lot is quite spacious so that it can accommodate a lot of vehicles. A security guard also helps secure the vehicles parked within the parking lot.