The following are files/information that can be downloaded by students and alumni of the Undip Industrial Engineering Department
This page is a collection of information/files from the Industrial Engineering Department that can be downloaded for student or alumni needs:
- Buku Profil Teknik Industri
- Sertifikat Akreditasi S1 Teknik Industri Undip
- Tata Tertib UTS & UAS Departemen Teknik Industri
- Panduan Eduroam di Windows 10
- Panduan UNDIPConnect di Windows 10
- Panduan UNDIPConnect di Android
- Panduan UNDIPConnect di Linux
- Panduan UNDIPConnect di Mac OS atau IPhone
- Panduan UNDIPConnect di Windows 7
- Buku Panduan Baku Mutu Tugas Akhir
- Prosedur dan Form Pendaftaran KP
- Prosedur dan Form Pendaftaran TA
- Prosedur dan Form Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal TA
- Prosedur dan Form Pendaftaran Sidang TA
- Prosedur dan Form SKL dan Wisuda