The Industrial Engineering Department of Undip have committed to conduct researches in the development of industrial engineering knowledge and its application. Researches also serves as medium for the students themselves to apply their knowledge so that it can further enhance students’ skill.
The fields of research includes:
- Ergonomic Work System Design Field
- Industrial Design Optimization and Design
- Production System Field
- Decision Support System Field
- Studio and Enterpreneurship Field
No | Judul Penelitian 2019 | Peneliti |
1 | Assessing The Work-Family Conflict Among Employed Mothers in Manufacture and Service Industry for Improving The Organizational Commitment | (1) Dr. A.A.S.Manik Mahachandra J.M., S.T., M.Sc. (2) Dr. Ir. Heru Prastawa, DEA (3) Dr. Hery Suliyantoro, ST., MT. |
2 | The Assessment of Regional Readiness Level for Supporting the Development of Creative Industrial Clusters in Central Java Province | (1) Dr. Naniek Utami Handayani, S.Si., MT (2) Diana Puspita Sari, ST., MT (3) Yusuf Widharto |
3 | Pengembangan Model Optimasi Multi Obyektif untuk Penentuan Strategi Optimal pada Masalah Pemilihan Supplier di Industri Manufaktur | (1) Sutrisno, S.Si, M.Sc (2) Dr. Purnawan Adi Wicaksono S.T, M.T (3) Solikhin, S.Si., M.Sc. |
4 | Peran Strategis Fungsi Pengadaan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Kesehatan di Indonesia | (1) Dr. Hery Suliyantoro, ST., MT. (2) Dr. Naniek Utami Handayani, S.Si., MT |
5 | Desain Alat Bantu Terapi Gangguan Tangan dan Pengujian Usabilitasnya | (1) Dr. -Ing. Novie Susanto, ST, M.Eng (2) Dr. A.A.S.Manik Mahachandra J.M., S.T., M.Sc. |
6 | System Dynamics and DEMATEL Approach for Policy Making in Indonesian Dairy Supply Chain Management | (1) Dr. Aries Susanty ST MT (2) Dr. rer. oec. Arfan Bakhtiar ST MT (3) Nia Budi Puspitasari, ST., MT |
7 | Implementation of The Green Tourims Concept Through Policy Development to Reduce The CO2 Emission from Tourist Transportation to Borobudur Temple and Karimun Jawa | (1) Dr. Aries Susanty ST MT (2) Dr. rer. oec. Arfan Bakhtiar ST MT (3) Nia Budi Puspitasari, ST., MT |
8 | Analisis Potensi Air Tanah untuk Evaluasi Water Footprint (Hidrologi, Ekonomi, & Kesehatan Masyarakat) di Wilayah Cekungan Air Tanah (CAT) Sumowono, Provinsi Jawa Tengah | (1) Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Triadi Putranto, ST, M.Eng (2) Dr. -Ing. Novie Susanto, ST, M.Eng (3) Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti, STP, M.Gizi |
9 | Perancangan Strategi End-of-Life Minyak Goreng dalam Perspektif Circular Economy untuk Mewujudkan Sustainable Manufacturing | (1) Sri Hartini, ST.,MT. (2) Diana Puspita Sari, ST., MT |
10 | Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Extrussion Blow Moulding dengan Menggunakan Peta Kendali Atribut Wahalanobis Distance dan T2 Hotelling | (1) Dr. rer. oec. Arfan Bakhtiar ST MT (2) Darminto Pujotomo, S.T, M.T |