K3 Implementation

K3 implementation is an implementation of K3 carried out by the Undip Industrial Engineering Department

The Industrial Engineering Department of Diponegoro University is fully committed to implementing Occupational Safety and Health (K3) as an effort to control existing potential dangers and protect the entire academic community in the UNDIP Industrial Engineering environment. Our commitment is supported by the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) policy of the UNDIP Faculty of Engineering which can be accessed at the following link: https://k3.ft.undip.ac.id/about/politikk3/

As a form of commitment and action in implementing K3, the following is the organizational structure of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) in the UNDIP Industrial Engineering Department.

The following are the facilities and infrastructure and support for K3 implementation in the UNDIP Industrial Engineering Department:

1. Fire Handling Support in Industrial Engineering

          • The Industrial Engineering Department has two types of tools for handling fires, namely Light Fire Extinguishers (APAR) and Fire Blankets.
          • Every campus area is equipped with APAR (dry chemical powder and carbon dioxide type) to extinguish fires and prevent wider spread of fire.
          • Fire handling training is carried out regularly for the entire UNDIP Industrial Engineering academic community to provide basic understanding and knowledge regarding fire handling efforts.

2. Emergency Response

          • Each room has an emergency evacuation route plan along with exit signs as a guide to safely leaving the room in an emergency.
          • The Industrial Engineering Department has Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the evacuation and handling process when work accidents occur. SOP Document for Evacuation Process and Work Accident Handling Department of Industrial Engineering:
          • Each evacuation route plan is equipped with information on important telephone numbers that can be contacted during an emergency.

3. Safety Induction

          • The Safety Induction video is shown every time before the start of a particular class or activity to provide knowledge about the various potential hazards that exist in the Industrial Engineering Department environment and their control measures.
          • Industrial Engineering Department Safety Induction Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enL9qvEnJEc

4. Monitoring Potential Hazards

          • Practical SOPs and Activities in the IT Environment. There are procedures that must be adhered to when carrying out practicums and other activities in the Industrial Engineering environment. Procedures that must be adhered to include:
            1. Wear polite clothes
            2. Speak kind words
            3. Maintain etiquette and polite behavior
            4. Maintain the cleanliness and safety of campus facilities and equipment
            5. Follow the evacuation instructions in the event of an emergency
            6. Maintain security and order in the campus environment
          • Work permit. Before the practicum is carried out, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is completed to identify potential dangers, analyze risks, determine control measures and safety procedures for the activities to be carried out. JSA Work Systems Engineering and Ergonomics Laboratory (RSKE), Lean and Sustainable Supply Chain Laboratory (LSSC), Decision Support Systems Laboratory (DSS), and Production Systems Laboratory (LSP) can be accessed at the following link: https://bit.ly/ JSALaboratoriumTI2023

5. Medical Facility

          • On every floor and laboratory, there is a first aid box which provides medical equipment to provide first aid for an injury or accident.
          • There is a health room to handle minor health complaints for the UNDIP Industrial Engineering academic community.
          • There are supporting facilities for people with disabilities in the form of wheelchairs and ramps.