Wiwik Budiawan, ST., MT., Ph.D.


Wiwik Budiawan, ST., MT., Ph.D, adalah dosen Departemen Teknik Industri yang mengajar sejak tahun 2012. Bidang kepakaran beliau adalah Human Factor Engineering. Beliau menamatkan pendidikan S1 di Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 2004-2008. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 2009-2011. Kemudian menamatkan pendidikan S3 di Toyohashi University of Technology pada tahun 2019-2022 dengan mengambil bidang ilmu Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sleep and Human Performance Research) . Saat ini beliau aktif sebagai Ketua Editor Jurnal J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri.

Mata Kuliah S1

    • Mekanika Teknik
    • Sistem Lingkungan Industri
    • Proyek Teknik Industri
    • Ergonomi Kognitif

Mata Kuliah S2

    • Statistika Lanjut
    • Systems Thinking
    • Analisis Kinerja Manusia
  • Effect of Thermal Comfort on Sleep Quality and Next-day Performance. A Study in Sustainable Development Goal 3 and 7 Potential (2022)
  • Spatial and Temporal Variation of Plastics and Microplastics in Rivers based on the Waste Management Service Coverage (2022)
  • Adaptive thermal comfort of university students with energy-saving potential in the university dormitories during dry and wet seasons in Indonesia (2022)
  • Putri, E. E., Yosritzal, A. A. A., & Budiawan, W. (2022). Evaluating the effect of using shredded waste tire in the asphalt concrete-binder coarse on Marshall parameters. SINERGI, 26(1), 107-114.
  • Budiawan, W., Sakakibara, H., & Tsuzuki, K. (2021). Brain Response and Reaction Time in Natural and Comfort Conditions, with Energy-Saving Potential in an Office Environment. Energies, 14(22), 7598.
  • Budiawan, W., & Tsuzuki, K. (2021). Thermal Comfort and sleep quality of Indonesian students living in Japan during Summer and Winter. Buildings, 11(8), 326.
  • PEI (Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia)
  • IEA (International Energy Agency)
  • ISLI (Institut Supply Chain dan Logistik Indonesia)
  • IAENG (International Association of Engineers)