Undip Industrial Engineering and Management Master Program Curriculum Workshop
Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Bandungan, Semarang – The need for industrial engineering graduates who meet the needs of the world of work is increasing. These conditions prompted the Undip Industrial Engineering Department to hold a workshop on curriculum development for the Industrial Engineering and Management Masters Study Program. This event was held in Bandungan with Dr. Andi Cakravastia Arisaputra Raja, S.T., M.T. from ITB.Early career graduates will utilize the knowledge of higher education that has been undertaken, then will follow the next development process through a career in a company or institution. These conditions need to be defined who are the stakeholders associated with the study program and then form a Graduate Profile/CPL so that alumni can play a role in the world of careers. Profile of Graduates and CPL is a promise of study program to study program. Each CPL has an assessment process. The assessment strategy also needs to be evaluated, are we able to capture what we will assess. Many accreditation bodies simplify the CPL to make it easier to assess. Stakeholders play a role in evaluating graduate profiles. Evaluation of graduate profiles is highly dependent on the course assessment process (CPMK). In OBE there is a division of roles in carrying out the curriculum (Lecturers, Study Programs, Stakeholders).
Master Competency
There are several key words that differentiate Development, Inter and Multidisciplinary, Research Capability. Doctorate: Original, Leader at RnD level, and International Publication. The ABET version of the Master is a student who has fulfilled competence at the undergraduate level. Speaking of industrial engineering, this is a challenge when accepting students from other majors. We have to make sure that when we start, we have basic skills in industrial engineering, basic science 20%. ASIIN’s Master’s version has several criteria including (1) Knowledge: ability to publish research results, in-depth knowledge from undergraduates, and research. (2) Skills: able to carry out synthesis, model development, conduct literature reviews, and the direction of subsequent research. (3) Competence: research ability. So that it can be concluded that the challenge in deepening (mastery) from the undergraduate field is that students who graduate have undergraduate abilities and have the ability to research and publish it.
BKSTI Core Curriculum
Basic development:
1. Development of higher education policy in Indonesia
2. Industrial Engineering Body of knowledge
3. Development of accreditation in Indonesia
Often the challenges that often occur in the accreditation process are the number of MKs in basic science and capstone design. Capstone design is how to expose students to be able to carry out the design process and produce designs from external problems. Students will be based on supporting MKs regarding design.
There are two core curricula issued by BKSTI:
1. Curriculum that only meets BOK TI requirements (96 credits)
2. Curriculum that can accommodate international accreditation (108 credits)