Promoting Healthy Living: Undip KKN Team II and PKK Mothers Plant Toga in Mento Village

SemarangIn order to carry out one of the work programs aimed at improving public welfare and health, KKN Team II students of Diponegoro University (Undip) 2024 held a family medicinal plant (Toga) planting activity in Mento Village, Candiroto District, Temanggung Regency. This activity took place on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the Mento Village Hall and was attended by local PKK mothers. The KKN team consisted of Kristine Angelina Gultom (Industrial Engineering), Widya Permana (Law), Nurul Purwita (Chemistry), Jieo Violia Amanda (Government Science), Arder Lintang Marshanda (Food Technology), Fahma (Tax Accounting), Adinda Hasnatya Nurdiansyah (Geological Engineering), and Jeremy Jodie Wirawan (Economics).

The activity began with a brief presentation by KKN students regarding the importance of Toga in everyday life. KKN students together with PKK mothers continued the activity by planting several types of medicinal plants directly in the area around the village hall. The types of Toga plants planted in this activity include ginger, lemongrass, turmeric, aloe vera, kencur, galangal and temulawak. The active participation of PKK mothers in this activity was greatly appreciated by KKN students. They not only learned about how to plant and care for Toga plants, but also interacted directly with students, exchanging experiences and knowledge about the benefits of these medicinal plants.

This TOGA planting activity is expected to be the first step in encouraging the Mento Village community to care more about health through the use of family medicinal plants. In addition, it is hoped that in the future this program can continue on a larger scale, involving more villagers, and expanding the planting area. The community not only gets health benefits but can also reduce dependence on chemical drugs, so that they can live healthier and more prosperous lives. This activity is also a real manifestation of the KKN students’ contribution to community empowerment through sustainable programs based on local wisdom. With the synergy between students and PKK mothers, it is hoped that this program will have a positive impact on the health and welfare of the village in the long term.