Digital Marketing Training for Tegal MSMEs

Semarang – The Undip Industrial Engineering Department held digital marketing training for Tegal MSMEs. This training was chaired by M. Mujiya Ulkhaq, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. The training was held on October 10 2023. The MSMEs that took part in this training were MSMEs in Argatawang Village, Jatinegara, Kendal.


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in the global economy, contributing to economic growth, job creation and empowerment of local communities. However, along with developments in information and communication technology, as well as changes in consumer behavior, MSMEs are faced with pressure to adapt to new ways of marketing and compete in an increasingly digital market.

The era of globalization is closely related to increasingly widespread internet penetration. The use of the internet, especially for MSMEs, is very necessary, because MSMEs will indirectly be required to keep up with the times by changing their sales model from traditional to more modern (online shop). Most MSMEs still use traditional methods of selling and do not understand how to market their products via digital platforms. Not much training is held directly in a village to teach local residents how to use social media or marketplaces as a platform to expand their sales market..

There are many online trainings such as seminars out there, but some of the online seminar information cannot reach village communities. It is the thoughts of the village community who prefer to carry out other activities rather than taking part in online seminars that make the transfer of knowledge through these events less acceptable to the residents. Therefore, it is hoped that digital marketing training for MSME players, especially in Argatawang Village, can help village MSMEs to become more familiar with and be able to utilize several existing digital platforms to expand their sales markets. Apart from that, MSME players will also be taught how to create their personal trading accounts and several digital marketing strategies that are suitable for them to implement. This is what makes a digital marketing training program for MSMEs in Argatawang Village very necessary.

Implementation of Training

Community service activities were carried out by the Undip Industrial Engineering Study Program community service team on October 10 2023. The training activities were aimed at MSMEs in Argatawang Village, Jatinegara District, Tegal Regency. The training implementation method starts with research into the potential of Argatawang Village, which is then continued with a study of digital marketing (general knowledge about digital marketing, online shops, marketing strategies, tutorials on creating trading accounts for several e-commerce sites, and the use of social media for promotions). The next stage is to conduct general training for MSME players by explaining all theories and general knowledge on the theme of marketing digitalization. The final stage of this training is providing training to MSME players by providing tutorials on creating an e-commerce trading account and guiding them through each step in the creation process.

Benefits of Training

Community service activities in the form of digital marketing training will have a positive impact on MSMEs in Argatawang Village, Jatinegara District, Tegal Regency. Some of the benefits they get include knowledge about how to utilize e-commerce platforms, appropriate marketing strategies to expand market share, and how to utilize social media as a means to promote their products. This can indirectly improve the economy of MSMEs and Argatawang Village itself.