Undip Students Promote Moringa Leaf Pudding as PMT Menu Innovation

Undip Students Promote Moringa Leaf Pudding as PMT Menu Innovation Semarang – KKN Team II Undip 2024 Mento Village, Candiroto District, Temanggung Regency assisted the stunting prevention program with an innovative PMT (Supplementary Food Provision) menu for PKK...

Promoting Healthy Living: Undip KKN Team II and PKK Mothers Plant Toga in Mento Village

Promoting Healthy Living: Undip KKN Team II and PKK Mothers Plant Toga in Mento Village Semarang – In order to carry out one of the work programs aimed at improving public welfare and health, KKN Team II students of Diponegoro University (Undip) 2024 held a...

Education on the Importance of Ergonomics Concepts for Plastic Woven Bag UMKM Workers in Pesidi Village

Education on the Importance of Ergonomics Concepts for Plastic Woven Bag UMKM Workers in Pesidi Village Semarang – Ergonomic risks are health risks associated with working in the wrong body position or with repetitive movements. This often occurs when workers do...

Undip KKN Students Educate Workers: Ergonomics Increases Productivity of Cocoon Chips MSMEs

Undip KKN Students Educate Workers: Ergonomics Increases Productivity of Cocoon Chips MSMEs Semarang – The 3rd week of the implementation of KKN Team II of Diponegoro University has implemented a work program activity that provides education on the importance of...