2023 Undip Tax Corner Service Notification

Semarang – In connection with the obligation to report the 2022 Annual SPT for Individual Taxpayers and Matching NIK-NPWP for Individual Taxpayers, we hereby inform you that:

  • Undip serves consultations for filling out the 2022 Annual SPT for Individual Taxpayers and Matching NIK-NPWP for Individual Taxpayers by opening a tax corner service according to the attached schedule;In an effort to avoid crowds/long queues during service, a quota system is implemented per day (limited quota every day), where employees are required to fill out a tax corner registration form. The form filling is carried out by following the following procedure:
    • Open the Undip SSO (Single Sign On) Application with the address: https://sso.undip.ac.id, then enter the Username and Password created by each employee.
    • Select the Form menu then click “Tax Corner Registration“. After that, the employee’s identity will appear and select the desired tax consultation time. Then click “Save & Register“. Then a confirmation will appear and select “Yes“, After that a proof of registration will appear. Print or screenshot proof of registration.
    • Employees must show proof of registration when entering the place of activity. If the employee does not come on the day stated on the proof of registration, then he can register the next day as long as the quota is still there.
    Day and Date Time Locations Quota/Day
    Wednesday, March 15 2023 to Friday, March 17 2023

    08.30 -15.00 WIB

    (Break: 11.30 -13.00 WIB)

    Room 105

    Prof. Sudarto, S.H. Building

    100 employees
    Monday-Tuesday, 20-21 March 2023 and Friday, 24 March 2023

    08.30 -15.00 WIB

    (Break: 11.30 -13.00 WIB)

    Room 105

    Prof. Sudarto, S.H. Building

    100 employees
    Monday, 27 March 2023 to Friday, 31 March 2023

    08.30 -15.00 WIB

    (Break: 11.30 -13.00 WIB)

    Room 105

    Prof. Sudarto, S.H. Building

    100 employees

    We request that the heads of faculties/schools/institutions/units be able to inform this notification to all of their employees. We thank you for your attention and cooperation.